The 2020 election is really about a choice between two very different versions of America: a prosperous America that continues under the leadership of Donald Trump, or a revolutionary socialist version under Creepy Old Joe, Red Bernie or Pocahontas Warren (or, perhaps even the CIA’s little boy mayor).
This meme pretty much nails the juxtaposition on the head. American voters will have to choose this November between two very, very different choices. This isn’t like deciding between a Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a presidential election. That election really didn’t have a choice between candidates.
This election is different. We have the option of Venezuela-like socialism, in which starving people pick through bags of trash on the street, presumably after the zoo has been raided and cleaned out of fresh meat. (Seriously, we’re kind of worried about that little doggy in the background in Venezuela.)
Or, you can have Americans with armloads of available food under the leadership of Donald Trump. We know, we know… it’s a tough choice. That’s okay, though. Americans still have a few months to think deeply about who they’ll vote for in November.