If you were to ask your average progressive what he or she (xe, they, whatever) thinks about Christianity, you’re likely to get a tirade about the church’s backward stance on homosexuality, civil rights, and probably something about the crusades.
Now, if you ask that same exact person to talk about Islam, which shares much of Christianity’s formative views about the very same things, chances are the response will be completely different.
It’s rare for many liberals to say anything negative about the so-called “religion of peace” — to do so would be “Islamophobic.” But, Evangelical Christians living in the Bible Belt aren’t the ones tossing homosexuals off or roof tops, or having professed atheists flogged in the street. This is routine in Islamic regimes like Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The fact is that western liberals are culturally self-loathing. This is why they will attack Christianity, and ignore the atrocities committed in the name of Islam. This is not to suggest that Christian theocracies haven’t been repressive in the past — they have. But, Christian majority countries have largely moved away from this, and Muslim majority countries haven’t.
~ Facts Not Memes