The Biden Economy is Crushing Christmas for American Families

American families are now suffering through the worst inflationary crisis in this country since the 1800s. Joe Biden’s disastrous occupancy of the White House has been so devastating for lower-income Americans that many are having to cancel Christmas plans this year. And the worst news of all is that no one in the Biden regime even seems to care.

Gallup reports that 45% of American households are experiencing financial hardships this holiday season because of Bidenflation. And it’s much worse in households earning less than $40,000 a year. For those Americans, 42% say they’re suffering moderate hardship and 28% say they’re experiencing severe hardship.

Meanwhile, every policy that the Biden regime unilaterally hands down is designed to make the problem worse, from canceling gas leases to signing absurd money-printing bills into law. Where does it end? Probably with everyone broke and wondering why we didn’t invest in Bitcoin back when we had the chance.

The problem might slow down a little bit next year when the Democrats in the House and Senate get crushed in a massive Red Wave. But Biden’s executive orders crushing the energy sector are going to keep inflation rising until we get Trump back in office in 2024.

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21 thoughts on “The Biden Economy is Crushing Christmas for American Families”

  1. It’s funny to read report from the Financial experts talking about Joe Biden’s economy and we are living in a time where a loaf of bread is $5.00 and a gallon of milk is $6.00, then I was looking at bullets and I found a box of 50 rounds 9mm bullets that I paid $11.00 in 2019 and 2020 are now $28.00 and people are praising Biden and his Administration are doing a great job with economy and that he’s the the greatest president. What planet are these idiots living on?? You can hate Trump if you want but at least he kept prices at a historical all time low, and he broke records left and right. It appears Biden will not stop until every American is bankrupt and by the time this happens it will be to late even for the people that support him.

    Lastly Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump!! #LetsGoBrandon

      1. Charge all these filthy scumbags with treason & punish like they did in the days where people had decency, sense & love of this country.

        1. Akmurphy, I agree with you completely! We had war crime trials against the Nazis where they were charged with “crimes against humanity” and were sentenced to death by hanging. Shouldn’t we do the same to these traitors?!!

      2. To LetsGoBrandon Thank you for your intelligent and insightful answer. You are more than correct. The “economy” actually the increase of prices started a steady climb starting around the middle of 2017. What was immediately noticeable was the price indexing of regular food items started a substantial increase and a steady upward climb since then. It will take approximately 3 to 4 years to swing in the opposite direction. We’ve been through this before, although most do not care to remember those impossible times. In the 70’s we were only allowed to fill up a gas tank on the even or odd numbers of your license plate. Times were pretty tight then and we were only allowed to fill up our gas tanks on even or odd numbered days that coincided with your license plate number. The pricing began to level off in the beginning of the eighties and started a slow climb to normality until 2012. It was about the end of 2017 going into 2018 when the prices began to swing out of control. Still noone took notice, concentrating on COVID instead. Then pricing began to climb steadily for 3 to 4 years then began to bottom out since then. The only people who actually cared were the ones with stocks and bonds and 401Ks. Those that do not have those investments would have seen the downfall of real estate values, which is probably the easiest way to calculate the price index. In any event, many things contribute to pricing. Economy is just a word that is often used in the wrong terminology. Did anyone take into consideration the back up of ships with their containers? The entire world was in a downward spiral. Yes, there is a direct correlation to political practices and world compromise, I remember my brother spouting in 2019, “MY 401K is doing GREAT!” Of course it will probably drop somewhat over the next two years or so then level and climb to normality. This is not a new event.
        We’ve been through this many times. I distinctly remember buying a house for $77,500 in 1977-78 then sold it in 1979-80 for $250,000. IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS! Now that was a homerun. It did not last though, I am in another home that I bought in 1998-99 for $200K and in over 20 odd years and remodelling,it is now has a modest value of approximately $340,000. In retrospect, that is clear that the economy did not jump to conclusions as the previous political “bankrupt six times” so-called businessman who “ONLY I CAN FIX IT” rhetoric had publically declared. Of course,the pricing went up, as it usually does, then will fall, as it usually does and level off. Kinda funny, If I were you, I’d hang on to what you bought at the lower price (if you can) then only buy what you need at the time. More practical. Next year-going in to 2023 the prices will take a slight upward climb, that’s when you will notice another price jump. So, buy a lot of what you want ten sell it. Of course Republicans will take the “applause” for that; when it had nothing to do with them. When you spend money (wisely), it will surprise you with a return.. Give it away to the people who need it the least, will not give you a return of any value. The very wealthy merely spend it on the more wealthy. There is NO SUCH thing as “trickle down” economy. (That word again).
        I’ve taken up a lot of your time, Enjoy the day.
        [email protected]

    1. But Biden’s chums had a lavish Party on the American’s dime! Why people are starving! Someone remove these Satan liver asses

  2. soetoro-bidens economy and policies are destroying our country!! If anyone can’t see this, than you must be a ignorant moron and you should leave the country!


  4. TRUMP KEPT ALL HIS PROMISES! He did this with NO PAY for his PRESIDENCY and having to fight the NAZI Democrats all 4 years BUT STILL GOT IT DONE!

  5. We can complain about Biden and praise Trump till the cows come home, but the fact remains that we have Biden until the 2024 election. Right now we have to figure out someway to stay solvent until we can get him out of office. I personally get so many emails each day about what to do and most of them are trying to push their agenda and their products. These things will not keep us from going broke. Come on, can’t someone come up with a better solution to this problem before it is too late. YES, I fear for my IRA, I fear for those who have no savings also, soon we will all be in the same boat floating down the river headed for the biggest wealthfall ever. HELP!!

    1. I agree with you, I get mail constantly to give money to this or that CHAMPAIGN. I used to give to Republican CHAMPAIGN but it is SUPPORTING RHINOS also. But now I pick my own candidate that I research to see if they are doing the job they CHAMPAIGN on doing. THAT’S WERE MY MONEY GOES. If everyone does their research, not easy with all the CORRUPT media, We can make AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! ONCE WE GET TRUE AMERICANS IN OFFICE AGAIN THE DEMOCRATS WILL PAY FOR THEIR TREASON!
      It is happening just slow! AMERICA IS TURNING RED. There is no other option unless you want COMMUNISM. Pat

    2. Carolyn, there is some talk about using the 25th amendment to get rid of Biden on the grounds of not being physically or mentally able to perform his duties as President, and I for one would like to see him gotten rid of for ANY reason. But then we are stuck with an EVEN WORSE disaster – Kamala Harris! We might get rid of one “bad” disaster, only to replace it with something “worse”!! JS

  6. Please stay tuned for a surprise coming in January 2022 that I think the American people will rejoice over, especially the non-RINO Republicans! Trust the plan … Wishing everyone much joy and peace during the holidays!

  7. If you view all of JB’s agendas in the light of how it benefits China, then it all makes perfect sense. JB’s purpose IS to destroy America on behalf of his Chinese handlers. The Chinese learned under Clinton back in ’94 that is was far more economically feasible to buy US politicians who would destroy the country internally to achieve their goal as taking over as the world’s top Superpower than a direct conflict with the US. So far, they are surpassing their goals and timeline. Anyone that believes that the current administration’s policies make any logical sense whatsoever is a fool. It is only logical if viewed as an internal treasonous attempt to promote China to global dominance.

    1. You are ABSOLUTELY right!
      CHINA, SORIS AND MEDIA OWNS THE DEMOCRATS , but they had help by lazy people who voted before doing the research on their own , instead just listening to FAKE NEWS station.
      SHEEP ! well bet they miss a REAL PRESIDENT NOW !
      I hope it’s not to late. One office at a time but we’ll make America Great again! Pat

  8. Reading the comments of everyone above, you are ALL right!
    Did you know that it was actually FDR that dissolved the United States on March 9, 1933? The same day that he ordered everyone to turn in their gold coins is also the same day he dissolved this country with an executive order (don’t you just LOVE those?!) and made us into LESS than the 13 colonies were under King George and the time of the revolution. And every President since then (even the “good ones” like Kennedy, Reagan & Trump) have re-affirmed that order, under their Master-Owners, the New World Order(NWO). The reason we are having to suffer through Biden and his ilk are that we are no longer a sovereign country, and haven’t been for a looooonnnnggg time. It’s only when we get our sovereignty BACK that we will be a free people again, and you know that’s not going to happen any time soon. James Staley

  9. joe biden the orignal Christmas scrooge, NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, only prsident of the red states, his title must be changed this prat public farter should be impeched in 2022. Biden the baby killer needs to be thrown out of office. The only thing real joe biden will win in 2022 is formal impeachment, for his abuse of power, corruption, violation of his oath of office, lack of national security on our borders, federal and State law violations, lack of proper protection for our natural energy resources, failure to protect the public, with run away national crime, self created national shortages, mismanagement ofr economy causing inflation. Mismanagement of tax payor money, Afghanistan losses of our military equipment along with the unnecessary waist of loss of life. Accepting gifts from adversarial countries with pay to play violations. Turning your back on the Cuban people, promoting electric vehicles use by attacking our current sources when what your seeking won’t be available till 2050 so says your own energy secretary. biden is not the only one looking towards 2022.

  10. We are at fault for his whole Biden debacle for we had a President who actually cared about US or US the United States. We let the media, democrats , and Big Pharma take our Country from us! Why, we let the mourns that control social media tell us how to think, and live. We got even more complacent than we were, we just sat on our behinds letting it all happen. We saw all the voter fraud, as it was in your face type fraud, and what did we do, nothing! I can at least say, I wrote to both my State and Fed. rep.’s giving them my thoughts and the fact if they didn’t do anything I was going to work to get the replaced.
    We can talk smart, but what every American needs to do is to stand up and write your Congressman and tell them what you think. Stop blaming the other guy, your the problem for your are letting it happen! Have a good day!

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