Ted Cruz Dons the Pink Yarn Hat of Social Justice

This would probably be a good time to remind everyone that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) refused to endorse Donald Trump for president at the RNC nominating convention back in 2016. We could have ended up with “President Hillary Clinton” because of that petty stunt, but fortunately, support for Trump was way too massive.

Cruz is easy to like for those of us on the right, so it’s always painful to watch when he has one of those “moments” where he figuratively pours gas on himself and lights a match. He had another one this week when delivering a speech in the Senate. Cruz said that the January 6 protests were a “violent terrorist attack,” using the approved talking points of Nancy Pelosi to describe what was actually a mostly peaceful protest.

That speech earned Cruz a trip to the forefront of the world of memes, and this little gem where he’s wearing one of the pink yarn hats from the Women’s March. A violent terrorist attack?

Good grief! Many of the people targeted by the Justice Department since that day are our friends and neighbors. It really was a mostly peaceful protest. Whose side is Ted Cruz on, anyway?

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22 thoughts on “Ted Cruz Dons the Pink Yarn Hat of Social Justice”

  1. Commie Cruz is a RINO hack. The scumbag took his family on vacation to a beach in Mexico when his state was in a winter freeze the likes they have never seen. Shows how willing he is to tuck his YELLOW tail & run when the shit hits the fan. The scumbag is an insult to the word PATRIOT. H e could be Chin Nuts Cheney’s brother.

    1. I remember that he left a few days before the storm hit Texas and was criticized for not coming back to Texas, as if there was something that he could do that wasn’t being done by governor Abbott and others already there.

    1. I keep asking, “Who is the person behind the curtain pulling the strings?”
      We send them to Washinton after they lie to us about how they will clean out the swamp.
      After they are there for about thirty minutes, we just get more of the same socialist BS programs.


  3. I cannot believe the man that has been close to our hearts for standing up for our America has said this about January 6…
    The left had hardly anyone at their so called rallies to win with that amount and was found cheating but yet nothing happens to them…
    Now if you think they were cheating then…
    Wait until it’s time to vote in 24…
    The open border has brought in the NEW voters…
    That’s why they are here to destroy the Republican Party…by letting them in and running them through to make them citizens of the USA…
    If we don’t stand up to the left …this country will look like a third world country
    Within 3 years…
    I remember when Biden said I don’t know if there will be a Republican Party…
    Fight hard for your freedom !!!

  4. He did go on Fox news and apologize for his choice of words and explain that he was talking about the government actors in the crowd that day. Of course, you won’t hear that in the MSM.

  5. Yes I did not see that so that is better…and of course the channels are looking for crap
    Anything to get leverage …but the proof
    Is in the outcome…
    I watched Biden try to speak this morning and he is in bad shape …this man needs to get out of Washington…
    They need to make him quit…he can’t
    Speak a whole sentence without not knowing who what or where he is!

  6. Man showing his true color, PUSSY PINK! He has always been a damn RINO and President Trump BACKSTABBER! Worthless POS! How do you look yourself in the mirror, you COMMUNIST AMERICAN HATING RINO! How much did Piglosi have to pay you for your service, DEMON? You should do the right thing and step down because of your UNCONSERVATIVE views. Come on Texans, you can do better than this panty waste! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!

    1. It’s too bad that you feel that way about Ted Cruz. He apologized for his choice of words when speaking about January 6 on Fox and as for being a backstabber to Trump and a RINO he’s none of those. He didn’t come out in support of Trump at the 2020 convention because it was still fresh that Trump had repeated a fake story about Cruz’s dad being a double agent for Castro which was easily disproven. If I were Cruz I wouldn’t find it easy to support Trump myself if he had said that about my dad. But as for backstabbing Trump he has supported most if not all of Trumps’ policies and several times took Mitch McConnell to task for not doing what he said he would do regarding support for Trumps’ agenda and standing up to the Democrats. He has supported Texas, Trump and America against the left-wing Democrats and RINOs and has been targeted by the left for doing so. His being afflicted with foot in mouth disease rarely happens but he was big enough to admit it when he messed up. Now because of one post calling him a p#ssy for one time he didn’t speak with his usual clarity he’s made out to be a RINO and a Quisling, something I’ve not seen these last 4 years or ever.

      1. Noah, I agree with all of your comments dealing with Cruz. Some of these comments are staged by Dems that just want Cruz out. Don’t listen to the haters.

  7. Ted is a bought and paid for Harvard indoctrinated New World Order approved politician. THEY say jump and he says “how high”

  8. Character assassination of a conservative champion does not further the patriot cause. His use of the term “terrorism” referred to those who attacked the police. (Yes, some of the rioters attacked the police, Virginia) He made an unfortunate choice of words, for which he publicly apologized. We are human, and make mistakes. That shouldn’t be an excuse to allow ourselves to be manipulated by leftist trolls.

  9. I believe Ted Cruz is a Patriot. I watched several videos of him at the Southern Border fighting against the Illegals pouring into our Country and he wants the Wall. He is also fighting hard against the vaccine mandates and the firing of unvaccinated employees and the closing of our schools.

  10. He must pose a threat to the demonrats, otherwise they wouldn’t be working so hard to discredit him! Sorry, I still stand with Cruz, no matter what msm or the demonrats day. They are liars, so any story they can conjure up to ruin someone, they will. Cruz is a patriot, no matter what they say.

  11. Cruz should have focused his EFFORTS & slip of tongue where it would do some good. On the MURDERER Capitol Police Officer & BLM supporter Byrd. Who killed an UNARMED Ashley Babbitt, who pose NO threat. Cruz should be demanding that Byrd be charged with MURDER & brought before the grand jury. He needs to quit cotilting the Democrats & their fake communist narratives. Cruz should also demand the firing of fbi Wray & the dissolution of the totally corrupt agency.

  12. Ted Cruz there two choice here! You can be straight up with all of the American people or you follow PELOSI AND HER PUPPETS! Your choice? Just remember there no coming back to the other side! So make up your mind! NO! IT WAS NOT AN “INSURRECTION ” OR AN DOMENTIC ATTACK OF TERRORISTS! First of all you being a lawyer and A Congress man. Should know it was NEITHER! NOBODY HAD GUNS! That is when you call it an “INSURRECTION!”

  13. As far as I can tell, Cruz is a total American and is doing what he thinks is best for America, unlike those that are raking him over the coals.

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