Here’s a meme with Hillary yelling at you to stay locked down because they’re trying to rig another election. And it might actually be worse than you think.
Suppose for a moment that the Democrats don’t hold any more primary election contests in the remaining states. Then, no candidate who ran for the 2020 Democrat nomination would have a majority of delegates when they head into the national convention this summer. Who would be the nominee?
In the event of a contested convention, the 16 officers of the Democrat National Committee will meet in an emergency meeting, and those 16 people would decide on the Democrat nominee to run against Trump in November. Sixteen people out of a nation of 330 million would choose the nominee. And they are not required under DNC rule to choose one of the people who actually ran for the office this year.
Food for thought! Oh, and um… ten of the 16 officers of the Democrat National Committee worked on the Hillary 2016 campaign. So, she has a majority of the votes locked in if there’s a contested convention.