The content creator really writes himself into a corner with this one, and it’s pretty easy to see how.
First of all, let’s dispel the fact that President Trump’s supporters technically will be paying for the wall along the southern border with Mexico — as they do for all public works projects. That’s how government funds itself — nothing complicated here.
According to this meme, the wall should be funded by Trump supporters exclusively, since they are allegedly the only ones who want it built. By this same token…shouldn’t Christians be exempt from funding abortions? Shouldn’t Jews be exempt from paying any taxes that go to fund foreign aid projects to openly anti-semitic regimes? Shouldn’t parents who homeschool be sparred from having to spend a dime on public schools?
We could go on and on with these hypotheticals, but you can probably already see how this flawed argument falls apart when it’s conservative groups being cut from the tax burden.
~ Facts Not Memes