What is going through the minds of all those federal agents that are spying on patriotic Americans? Do you think it ever dawns on any of them that they are actually the “baddies?”
We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that federal agents are now surveilling the Proud Boys, the Oathkeepers, and random people who post QAnon theories online. Their bosses have told them that these are “white supremacists” or some other boogeyman term that the Democrat Party has directed them to use.
While this meme is funny, it’s hard to imagine that any of those FBI agents spying on normal Americans have a conscience about it. Otherwise, there would be whistleblowers coming forward all the time.
When is the last time you saw an FBI whistleblower come forward and publicly admit that he or she broke the law for their superiors? Not within the last four years, certainly. Nobody in the Russian collusion hoax that spied on the Trump campaign ever blew the whistle.
We did get a kick out of this meme, but let’s be real — it hasn’t occurred to any of those bureaucrats at the FBI that the people they’re spying on love America more than their own superiors.