Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has finally made it official: He’s running for the
Democrat nomination for president in 2020.
It seems like you’re forgetting something, Mayor Bloomberg! We know, we know, Joe Biden is
the one catching most of the flak in the 2020 race. Biden is a gaffe machine who is clearly fading fast. We all expect Biden to be located one of these days, wandering around in a bathrobe and slippers and asking everyone if they’ve seen his buddy Ted Kennedy anywhere.
But like Biden, Bloomberg is showing his age as well. He seems to have forgotten something…
Like the fact that whoever wins the Democrat nomination for 2020 is going to be a sacrificial
lamb. And that the Dems’ nominee will face off against a candidate who mowed down 16
Republican candidates in 2016 – and followed that up by vanquishing a seemingly unbeatable
candidate who had been propped up as ‘America’s First Woman President’ by the mainstream
media since 1993.
Sad! Poor Mayor Bloomberg. Someone on his staff should have tapped him on the shoulder and
reminded him.