The radical left is full of paradoxes. For one, they dismay nationalism or any flavor of patriotism has foolishly having pride for a history one had nothing to do with. In the same breath, they will tell you that white people in America who never owned slaves should be held accountable for those who did.
Another glaring example is how the left treats gun rights. If nothing else, firearms are the ultimate equalizer for personal altercations. Normally, there would be no reason to expect a woman who weighs less than 130 pounds to survive an attack by one ore more men who could easily weight double that. But, a loud pew-pew evens the score pretty nicely…
Women, like other demographics that have been historically abused, need gun rights more than anyone else. Nevertheless, the radical left is happy to frame support for the Second Amendment in America as just another part of the white man’s evil ideology when the precise reverse is true.
Support for gun rights doesn’t come from a will to dominate life — it comes from a desire to preserve it. Then again, we’re talking about a bunch that sees little to nothing wrong with abortion up until point of birth…
~ Facts Not Memes