We all know this person. It might be a distant relative that you only see twice a year (if that), a former co-worker you haven’t seen in 10 years who is suddenly more woke than sin, or even a high school peer you added before you really understood how social media worked. It doesn’t matter. They’re all the same when this conversation happens.
You share a meme from a conservative social media page — perhaps this one. You get a handful of likes from your close friends, and perhaps a few others on the periphery. You might get some push back from your Democrat friends, but you know it’s all in good faith. After all, it’s okay to be friends with the other team — it reminds us all that we’re all on the same side when America faces an outside threat.
But then this dude shows up. And he’s brining all of his insecurities and confusions about his own biology with him. In fact, the word “dude” might be misplaced — or is it? It doesn’t matter. But he’s calling you a Nazi because you disagree with him about tax policy — or something like that. You want to reply with just as much passion and vigor as he seems to have, but then you realize you have better things to do — such as literally anything else.
Trust us, you’re all the better for it.