So, this was something you definitely didn’t hear about on CNN…
Last week, as the partial government shutdown continued — meaning more government workers were going to have to live without paychecks — Republicans in Congress introduced a bill to ensure some of them were able to get paid. This included the Coast Guard. This was blocked by Democrats.
By now, there should be no question about it. This isn’t a “Trump Shutdown”. This is a “Democrat Shutdown”. Progressives in Congress are so desperate to deny President Donald Trump a political win, that they’re willing to use the federal workers they claim to support so much as pawns to further their agenda. This vote should have made that painfully transparent.
Of course, there were no real consequences for this, because the Democratic Party still has the help of their not-so-secret weapon — the mainstream media. According to the talking heads, this was somehow Trump’s fault.
~ Facts Not Memes