Big fans of President Donald Trump recognize the smile in this meme. That is Trump’s smile
that says, “I know a secret, and my enemies are not going to like what’s about to happen.”
The never-ending parade of fruitless Democrat investigations into President Trump and his team
has been exhausting. From the setup of Gen. Mike Flynn to the Russian collusion hoax, the
infuriating fake investigations were the only thing Americans could find to watch on TV every
The Mueller investigation finally wrapped up with the doddering performance of Robert Mueller
on camera – and then we thought it was all over. But no.
When Trump’s new Attorney General suggested that he’d get to the bottom of how the Russian
collusion hoax became the subject of an FBI investigation, that’s when liberals went really nuts
and launched an “impeachment inquiry.”
Impeachment will be another big nothing-burger, of course. But President Trump and his
supporters all know the truth. Now that it’s President Trump’s turn to do some investigating of
the investigators, it’s not going to end well for them.
Hope you had a lot of fun with your little Russian collusion thingy, liberals! Because now the
adults are taking over the investigations!