There are times during our periodic meme scroll that we have a tendency to skip past certain posts, because we believe there is no way someone actually meant to post what they did. Unfortunately, this is proven wrong much more often than it should.
This screen shot was taken from Twitter user @emily-marie43. Whether or not this particular user was serious in suggesting Jesus of Nazareth was born into a Muslim society, scores of uneducated users retweeted the image.
Let’s clear this up right now: Jesus was not born into a Muslim country – or even a Jewish or Christian country for that matter. None of these things would have been possible because Judea was a province of the Roman Empire at the time. Islam itself wouldn’t even appear anywhere until the 7th century.
It’s pretty hard to figure out how someone could make this mistake. A quick glance through the gospels shows Roman figures popping up again and again. In fact, some historians point to the controversy of Roman rule in the region as being one of the main catalysts for Jesus’ fame.
Perhaps the worst part about all of this is that most of these children were educated with our tax dollars…
~ Facts Not Memes