It’s amazing how we turned on a dime so quickly from “Masks don’t work to protect you” to “You’re a selfish jerk who wants to kill everyone’s grandma if you don’t wear a mask,” isn’t it?
If you’ve ever wondered why leftists are triggered so badly by memes and want them banned, this meme is a great explanation.
This meme is a straight-up “mic drop” on the American left, using one of their own arguments against them. It’s beautiful rhetoric that is made all the more effective and hilarious by pasting it onto the silly artwork in the meme.
The mask-wearing authoritarian is a callback to the “NPC” meme that started a couple of years ago. It sends the message that leftists are all nameless, faceless robots repeating George Soros’ talking points and not thinking for themselves.
Of course, we support the idea of wearing face masks if you feel the need to do so. But, for many, it’s less about taking step to protect yourself and others, and more about showing the rest of the world how obedient they are. It’s a badge of conformity.
Firearms, on the other hand, will actually keep you and those around you safe if you are trained how to use one properly. Better to have it and not need it rather than the other way around, right?
When leftists are rhetorically smacked with their own logic like this, it causes them to freeze up and then get angry. If you’ve defeated their argument using their own earlier argument, they then have to default to calling you a Russian bot and demanding that you be kicked off social media.