And just like that, Chris Matthews of MSNBC is gone! The host of “Hardball” came on the air Monday night to announce that he was “retiring.” Then they cut to commercial and when they came back, a stunned fill-in host did the rest of the show.
What happened? Well, Chris Matthews is a really nice man if you happen to ever meet him. No, seriously. When he’s not talking politics and blathering like an ultra-woke liberal dope on TV, he’s a nice guy in person.
But apparently in private, he’s a bit of a sexist pig. Not to mention the fact that he’s getting older and they’re not growing any new slots on the TV networks for all of the younger SJWs who feel like they deserved Chris Matthews’ job.
It was clear from Matthews’ sort-of goodbye to the audience that he was being forced out for flirting with the ladies at MSNBC. (‘Cause they’re all just so irresistible!)
Anyway, the guy who got a thrill up his leg when Barack Obama was running for president in 2008 is gone, probably for good. What happened to him is too bad, but we can’t say we’ll miss him!