What do you do when you’ve exhausted every single insult in your vocabulary? Well, New Jersey Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker has an idea…
President Donald Trump and his supporters have been called ever “ist” under the sun at this point, and critics have quite literally run out of creative things to call them. This is probably why Booker used the phrase “worse than racist” over the weekend — because there is nothing left.
Now ask yourself — how many minds is this going to change? Trump supporters will vehemently deny that the president is a racist, and his critics will continually suggest that he is — and that anyone who disagrees is also a racist. This is what it’s come to.
So now here we are — at the final form of leftist insults. When they can’t call you a racist anymore, but they also can’t come up with another word, things like this happen. We’re happy that the left is finally embracing its intellectual side…