It’s pretty rare to find politicians or commentators on either side of the aisle actually coming out and defending Medicare, and for good reason.
In addition to the program’s substandard coverage, the fact that individuals of all ages are required to pay for it (regardless of their health or financial standing), Medicare makes a pretty poor argument for socialized medicine.
Pigs must be flying, however, because progressive commentator David Sirota is actually touting Medicare’s success.
“Single-payer is totally untested in America,” Sirota tweeted. “Except for 50 years of Medicare as the country’s most popular and successful social program.”
First of all, claiming something is “popular” as a reason for its value is not really an argument. Second, Medicare is a financial disaster.
According to the Board of Medicare Trustees, the program’s projected costs in the future are “are highly uncertain, especially when looking out more than several decades.”
Moreover, the program is also beset by over $30 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
This is not exactly a success story.
~ Facts Not Memes