In 2019, LGBT acceptance is almost universal in western-style republics — and that’s a good thing. Even more traditional conservatives who still oppose things like same-sex marriage will typically tell you that they’re happy to live and let live.
More to this point, Donald Trump is President of the United States. While the mainstream media loves to ignore this, this Republican billionaire is the first person to ever take the oath of office having already supported same-sex marriage, and even more fringe agenda items like gender-neutral bathrooms. At the end of the day, conservatives in America have by and large moved on from this cultural fight.
But, predictably, the goal post has been moved once again. Now, a segment of the far-left will tell you that it isn’t enough to support gay rights. You have to buy into the entire radical agenda wholesale. Churches must be coerced into observing same-sex wedding ceremonies. Children have to be taught that there are 500+ genders, and are encouraged to “transition” before they have any clue what sex is or what it’s for.
Images like this remind us that the modern social justice movement isn’t about tolerance, it’s about exerting power and control — and destroying all cultural norms in the process.
~ Facts Not Memes