If anything has been made crystal clear by CNN’s White House Correspondent Jim Acosta, it’s that Jim Acosta really doesn’t like President Donald Trump. He’s refused to give up his microphone to other reporters, and he makes online virtue signaling about how illegal immigration doesn’t matter a big part of his career.
There is one thing, however, that Jim Acosta loves more than anything else — and that’s Jim Acosta.
Take a look at this picture he posted on social media. We have three unnecessary angles of the CNN reporter signing books at Barnes and Noble. Now, this isn’t about what you can see, which is some overpaid communications major worshipping the ground he walks on. That’s easy. Focus on what you can’t see, which are people who care enough to get Jim Acosta to sign his stupid book.
This may seem humiliating to anyone with any social skills whatsoever, but Acosta may truly see it differently. After all, what’s a better day for Jim Acosta than spending hours with none other than the Jim Acosta?
We bet he had a great time.
~ Facts Not Memes