The new freshman class in Congress is all the rage for the left. They do things like curse on the House floor to show us all how cool they are. They’re progressive in ways that make people like Senator Elizabeth Warren look right-wing. They have two X chromosomes. It’s amazing.
This is basically the praise for the freshly sworn-in Congresswomen sucking up all the air in the room summarized. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is popular because loves taxes and hates rich people. Rep. Rashida Tlaib is cool because she called President Donald Trump a “mother f-er” and wants to impeach him. Meanwhile, the Green New Deal they’re pushing for is full of absurd promises and job-killing tax policies.
Democratic leaders have referred to both of these Congresswomen as the future of their party, and they’re correct. Economic realities matter less and less to progressive politicians, and it shows.
Republicans have a very important culture war to win now.
~ Facts Not Memes