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It’s Harder Than Ever for the Left to Bash Trump on North Korea

Talk about an absolute warmonger, right? Within the past week and a half, President Donald Trump has convinced the North Koreans to engage in peace talks with South Korea, end the decades long war between the two countries, and release all American detainees imprisoned there.

Naturally, the left has been scratching its head as it reacts to all of this. Wasn’t Trump supposed to bring the “fire and fury” to the Hermit Kingdom, and drag the rest of the world down in flames in the process? Could it really be possible that all of this tough talk was part of a broader strategy to bring North Korea to the negotiating table?

This is the sentiment we get from this tweet by InfoWars commentator Paul Joseph Watson, a noted Trump supporter and popular cultural critic. Of course, his calls for Trump’s “impeachment” are satirical — and really just a jab at the left for believing everything in the above paragraph.

President Trump has, by all accounts, made more progress with the North Koreans than the past three administrations combined. Now, Americans who have been detained as a result of a war that should have ended in the 1950s are finally going to return home.

Now, just imagine how the left is going to react when Trump receives a Nobel Peace Prize for this…

~ Facts Not Memes

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