Believe it or not, there are still plenty of people out there who still repeat the “Trump is NOT my president” mantra.
This mentality goes beyond simply denying that President Donald Trump should be in office. It’s a complete rejection of reality: by the rules established in the U.S. Constitution — and have been in place every election year since George Washington — Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
In our constitutional republic, we agree to accept elections that don’t go the way we want them to. At least, that’s been the standard for most of our country’s history until very recently. But after a seasoned veteran in American politics was soundly beaten by a man who had never held or even sought an elected office in his life, that agreement vanished for many Americans. They just couldn’t accept the fact that the middle of the country isn’t perfectly in line with coastal elites.
So, we found a helpful chart for our liberal friends who are still firmly in denial. Do them a favor by sending it to them — but we can’t promise they’ll react very kindly.
~ Facts Not Memes