Dr. Anthony Fauci, the guy from the CDC who is giving President Trump bad advice about how to respond to the coronavirus, finally testified before the US Senate this week. Too bad that no one had the stones to ask him why he keeps moving the goal posts!
Remember back in the good old days of March when we were told that we just needed to shut down the economy for two weeks so that our health care system could brace itself for the shockwave of new cases? Ahhh, memories!
Except now here we are in May, and some places are announcing that the lockdowns will just have to continue until forever. Sorry, suckers!
Los Angeles County, where it costs $2,000 a month to rent a crummy apartment with moldy carpeting and leaky pipes, just announced that it won’t allow small businesses to reopen until August. Freaking August! Good luck staying afloat if you live there. (Coronavirus, by the way, has killed 25% fewer people in LA County than the annual flu season does. The virus just doesn’t like sunny Vitamin D climates, people!)
Anyway, Fauci moved the goal posts once again during his Senate testimony. Now he claims schools can’t reopen until there’s a cure for the virus (which could be never). Kind of makes you feel bad for what’s eventually going to happen to all the animals at the Los Angeles Zoo when they turn the place into Venezuela.