Since President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general election, many liberals have revisited their calls to abolish the Electoral College.
This isn’t the first time we’ve had to have this argument. We heard the same thing in the early 2000s from Democrats trying to discredit then-President George W. Bush. And the argument hasn’t changed much either — their main contention is that the popular vote should replace the Electoral College because it is more democratic.
Let’s clear something up right now. This isn’t going to please a lot of people, but it’s worth saying: democracy is not necessarily a good thing in and of itself. Many of the Founding Fathers were skeptical of the idea of making the United States a democratic republic because of how fragile such political systems can be.
Mob rule is just that — two wolves and a sheep voting for what’s for dinner. The Electoral College balances this by giving the people a voice while also protecting the minority.
If we abolished the Electoral College, we essentially deem the vast majority of the country to be irrelevant. California and New York will basically run the country in perpetuity.
~ Facts Not Memes