If there has ever been a bigger lie perpetuated on the American people than the whole “let’s shut down until we flatten the curve” bamboozle, we’re not sure what it is. Just two weeks, they told us. We’re just shutting down for two weeks until we flatten the curve!
Now we’re heading into the third month of lockdowns in many states, and we’re being told that things can’t get back to normal until there’s a cure. Huh?! A cure?! This pandemic is COVID-19. How many of the previous coronavirus outbreaks – COVID-1, COVID-2, COVID-3 up through COVID-18 – have we developed cures for? Oh, right. Zero! How are those vaccines for cancer and HIV coming along?
But now we have to wait for a cure for this one before we can have our lives and liberties restored? How about no?
This meme illustrates the problem perfectly. The people ordering the shutdowns haven’t been impacted economically by the shutdowns. But if we were to cut off their salaries and give them $1,200 to survive on for three months, how quickly do you suppose the science would be settled that it’s okay to reopen?