Readers who weren’t in grade school at the height of Al Gore’s artificial “popularity” may not have known about this, but his crackpot film An Inconvenient Truth was required viewing in many elementary and middle schools.
That’s right: grade school children were forced to sit through that crap. We were all led to believe that the end of the world was fast approaching, and the only way to stop it was to halt all of the economic progress of the past century. Of course, this was presented to us as fact rather than theory. And they say that bias in education isn’t real…
For those of us who did have to sit through it, it’s amusing to see how history is repeating itself. Al Gore’s Doomsday theories clearly didn’t come to pass, though they did inspire a few blockbuster hits including the now-hilarious Day After Tomorrow, which shows a super-hurricane blizzard thing destroying New York City as well as the rest of the world. What a fun, inspiring fantasy…
Today, no one — absolutely no one — gives a damn about Al Gore or anything he’s said. He’s been replaced by the infallible Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is popularizing the myth that the world will actually end in 13 years unless we address climate change immediately.
Gee, where have we heard that one before…