Many Americans look back on the 1980s with a nostalgic fondness — and there’s good reason for that. The Reagan years were nothing short of revolutionary: the communist empire known as the Soviet Union was crumbling, America’s economy was soaring, and the music was amazing.
Okay, you might not agree with that last part, but there’s no denying the fact that this was a profoundly American decade in every sense of the word. Americans were working less for thicker pay checks, and the rest of the world was following the example set by President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
The lessons of the time were simple: free markets work, communism is bad, and there’s no such thing as too much hair spray.
So, what was everyone doing at the time? As you can see from this image, that greatly depending on the person. On person stands out from the pack, and we’ll give you a hint: it’s the only person that wasn’t receiving a check from the government at the time. Who could that be?
President Donald Trump has been compared to Reagan in many ways. And while it’s true the two men don’t align much when it comes to personal mannerisms, but their love of country is the same.
We can’t say the same for the rest of the individuals in this image….