Whoops! We forgot our anniversary!
That’s okay, every day is a good day to remember that sweet, sweet evening in November of
2016. The night that Americans triggered the pro-Hillary left by sending Donald J. Trump to the
White House.
We laughed. They cried. And screamed. And blocked traffic. And set dumpsters on fire. And
protested speeches on college campuses. And called us all sexist, racist, homophobic Nazis. And
staged the Russian collusion hoax. And staged the Ukraine hoax. It’s starting to feel like the
Democrats are not taking the 2016 election results very well!
Oh, well. It was America’s party and they weren’t invited.
Just imagine how badly they’re going to take the news on our Fourth Anniversary when we do it
all again in November 2020.
Anyway, Happy Belated Third Anniversary, everyone! We’ll always cherish the memory of
those liberal tears on November 8, 2016.