Well, we know that this meme pretty much hits the nail on the head, right?
After the Brett Kavanaugh fiasco two years ago, in which the Democrats were paying people to claim that they, too, were in fact gang raped by Catholic teen rape gang leader Brett Kavanaugh at parties Kavanaugh wasn’t even at, get ready for another circus.
These hearings are going to be pretty weird if Trump does nominate a woman to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Noodle-armed hipsters will be coming out of the woodwork to claim that Trump’s nominee pinned them against a wall and performed a “full Joe Biden” on them. Think they’ll be able to sell that one?
Rush Limbaugh had a great idea to circumvent the Democrat Party’s planned antics: Don’t hold confirmation hearings. Those are a modern invention for the television cameras anyway. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the Senate has to hold hearings before voting on a Supreme Court nominee.
Mitch McConnell could simply announce the vote, it turns out 53-47 or 54-46, bing, bang, boom, America is great again!