It’s getting harder to laugh at Bernie Sanders now that his terrifying commitment to communist socialism is becoming much clearer, but this still gave us a chuckle. CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Bernie how he planned to pay for all of his “free” communist stuff for everyone the other day and Bernie had no clue.
Bernie wasn’t even light enough on his feet to just make up an answer, like Pete Buttigieg or Elizabeth Warren do all the time. Bernie just flat-out had no answer at all on how to pay for Medicare for All (including illegal aliens), free college tuition for everyone, student loan debt forgiveness, and so on.
And it’s looking more and more like Bernie will win the Democrat nomination this year, thanks to invalid and illegitimate illegal alien votes swelling his numbers. Illegals LOVE the free stuff Bernie is promising.
Meanwhile, Bernie isn’t being shy about how he wants to nationalize everything from banks to oil companies to grocery stores and family farms. Yikes! He may have slept through Econ 101, but he paid close attention when reading Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.