We’re now into the second week of a bunch of Soros-funded commies capturing several blocks of Seattle and declaring themselves to be an autonomous nation named CHAZ or CHOP or whatever. And still, the Democrat leaders of Seattle and Washington state have done nothing to reclaim their territory from these drug-addicted communist losers.
You know who could do something about it?
S.D. Bob “Snake” Plissken, that’s who!
This meme is literally one of the best ideas for a movie that we’ve seen since the last Rambo movie came out. Kurt Russell… escaping from CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it is? Come on, you know you’d go to the theater to see that.
This desperately needs to be made into a movie immediately. The main reason for that, of course, is because “Escape from LA” was a terrible sequel to “Escape from New York.” “Escape from LA” very nearly approached the “Highlander 2” level of terribleness for a movie sequel. Man, that was an awful movie!
We’re guessing that Kurt Russell, who leans sort of libertarian/conservative/pro-gun in his politics, would totally be down for making “Escape from Seattle.” Someone please write a script for this movie right now!