It’s a trend you’ve undoubtedly seen all over Facebook by now — people are taking pictures of themselves from ten years ago (or so) and sharing them beside a current picture. The point is to show how much you’ve grown or changed over the years.
At the end of the day, it’s a cute little trend — and nothing more than that. Judging by the pacing of internet fads, there’s a chance that this running theme is already out of style by the time you got to reading this post. It doesn’t matter, because this submission is a winner and everyone needs to see it.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn’t like being called “Pocahontas” — but she asked for it when she spent years of her life piggy-backing off of unverified family stories claiming heritage with the Cherokee Nation. The progressive icon, who may very well have already fallen out of favor with the Bernie bros that were once spellbound by her, just made things worse when she “proved” that she has as much as 1/1,024th Native American.
We can’t wait until the 2020 primaries begin.
~ Facts Not Memes