This meme is so true that it’s almost painful. If California suddenly seceded from America right now, it would become the most disgusting Third World nation on earth. But while it still remains in the Union, it remains the most disgusting state in the US.
Take a good look at these pictures. These aren’t even from the notorious Skid Row in L.A. You can find pockets of human misery in cities all over the state of California right now.
The irony is that the people running these slums are the same ones who now want to tell us that President Trump is “mismanaging” the US reaction to coronavirus.
Oh, yes, wise Democrats whose own cities are covered in filth, discarded needles, human waste and tent cities – please share with us your great concern for public health risks.
California Democrat-run cities are now so incredibly gross that nothing can prepare you for it. Even if you watch segments on the news that try to describe, the pictures don’t do it justice. Take our word for it: You don’t want to take advice from the Democrat Party on how to manage a crisis.