The “war on women” is one of the more frequent tropes you see from the far-left media.
And no, it doesn’t refer to an open armed conflict between the sexes. Typically, according to outlets like Vox, Huffpost, Cosmopolitan, and other hip millennial news sources, this war on women manifests itself in more subversive ways. This can range from assuming someone’s gender (ie, referring to a biological woman as “she” or her”), to briefly directing your gaze at an attractive member of the opposite sex — which of course is something every single man does from time to time. Biology is a helluva thing.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, women are forced into what just about everyone living in the west would label “slavery.” In many Islamic countries, which effectively function as theocracies, women have little to no social or political rights. They are forced to marry strangers, carry their children, and are often blamed for being sexually assaulted or raped.
Saudi Arabia didn’t even allow women to drive until 2018.
So yes, feminists — there is a very real “war on women” going on, but it isn’t happening here.
~ Facts Not Memes