CNN’s editorial board is pushing out content well ahead of schedule, apparently.
The mainstream media has repeated the lie time and time again that President Donald Trump is only in office because some random hackers in Moscow hacked him into victory in 2016. There was no way that a politician who exemplifies everything Americans have come to hate about government, who routinely skipped campaign stops in rustbelt battleground states, could possibly lose to a man who has been in the spotlight for almost 30 years.
Yeah, that’s the logic we’ve been dealing with for close to three years now…
We all know why Hillary Clinton lost, and it had little to nothing to do with Russia. Now, let’s be honest for a second: would Russia have a motivation to influence an American election? Of course they would, so would every other country. The United States of America is a superpower, and its elections impact how other countries are treated. Some want foreign aid. Others want to expand their own regional influence. The outcome of an American election affects all of this.
But, why would Russia want Trump of all people to win? Since he has taken office, the country has lost its grip on Syria, as well as Ukraine and other places. Helping Trump win a second term wouldn’t exactly be a winning strategy, would it?
It doesn’t matter, because we already know we’ll cycle back to that after the Ukraine thing blows over…