We don’t know about you, but one of our favorite parts about President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address last week was when the president reaffirmed a simple truth: America will never be a socialist country.
As we showed you earlier this week, the reaction from socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was absolutely priceless. His scowl at the idea that American must remain the bastion for economic and personal freedom around the world was really something to behold. We have a feeling that we’ll be revisiting that image for a while now.
This image shows us an alternative take on the ideological battle for America’s future right now: do we want to be a country where we walk our dogs, or eat them?
Not long ago, this would have been a stupid question. Even among Democrats, the idea of transitioning America away from a market economy was not a popular one. This changed with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, which paved the way for even more radical personalities to dominate the political conversations of the day. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are just two of the most obvious examples. For more proof, just look at who the Democrats are seriously running for 2020.
~ Facts Not Memes