Here we see leftist content creators regressing back to their oldest tactic — class warfare.
The image here takes jabs at the popular notion of “taking our country back”, a phrase typically relegated to right-wing causes in the United States. Here, the viewer is asked to choose which group “stole it” to begin with, with one column populated with racial and ethnic minorities, and the other with large American enterprises.
Nowhere in the image is an actual argument pertaining to exactly how these businesses “stole” the country. Essentially, the whole intent is to pull on your heart strings in an attempt to promote disdain for private enterprise.
The truth is that these businesses haven’t “stolen” anything. In fact, they’ve made the United States into the economic powerhouse it is today. In addition to innovating new technologies and raising the standard of living, private industry created jobs, drove down the price of quality goods and services, and promoted open competition within a free marketplace.
Class warfare is a dated tactic, but its one that liberals have apparently deemed fit to sustain their argument in the modern age.
If your ideas require a constant menace, there’s a good chance they’re not based on any actual empirical facts.
~ Facts Not Memes