Okay, this is obviously more than a bit of a stretch, but this meme brings up some pretty hilarious points. The only glaring difference here is that President Donald Trump doesn’t share Bruce Wayne’s history of childhood trauma. Other than that, their goals and the means by which they achieve them are eerily similar.
In Batman (pick whichever adaptation of the show or films you like), Wayne’s strength is derived from his intellect and his business prowess. Unlike almost all over superheroes, Batman has no supernatural abilities to speak of. Instead, he fights off villains using tactics and gadgets he designed (and funded himself). The real savior of the day is Wayne Enterprises, which make everything from the Bat Mobile to those Halloween-themed boomerang tricks possible.
Donald Trump made himself an anomaly in American politics as soon as he became a part of it. Aside from having no experience running for political office, the real estate mogul was also able to largely self-finance his own campaign. After winning the election in 2016, he has donated much of his presidential salary to other causes.
There have also been more than a few comparisons between Hillary Clinton and the Joker, so there’s that…
~ Facts Not Memes