Every election analyst believes that a big part of the reason why George HW Bush lost a major debate to Bill Clinton in 1992 was because he looked at his watch. That’s all. He looked down at his watch during the debate.
By looking at your watch when debating someone, it psychologically signals that you’re losing. You’re nervous, weak and hoping that the whole debate thing will wrap up soon. One of the first things they’ll teach you in Debate 101 is DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR WATCH.
So, anyway, Joe Biden pointedly looked at his watch during the final presidential debate with Donald Trump. This meme notes that exact moment, and also pokes fun at all of the Democrats who flooded Twitter when Donald Trump mentioned that coyotes are guiding illegal aliens across our southern border.
It’s pretty amazing that leftists with such strong opinions on open borders and immigration don’t know basic facts about immigration. There were a ton of memes that Democrats posted, showing a wild coyote carrying a baby across the border like a stork. Yes, they really are that dumb.