Leave it to the regressive left to see a tragic event like Hurricane Harvey as a perfect opportunity to push a PC agenda…
The image is, of course, a jab at the phrase “all lives matter”, a hashtag which arose in response to the controversial Black Lives Matter movement. The content creator is clearly trying to suggest that using this phrase is just as ignorant as pretending all cities in the country were equally affected by the storm.
Too bad false equivalencies aren’t arguments.
To respond to this, we are forced to take a second look at the numbers which essentially disproved virtually all of BLM’s claims since the movement began — primarily as an assault on law enforcement.
Contrary to the leftist narrative, police officers in the United States are actually far more likely to use lethal force to subdue a white suspect than a black one. This means that the underlying argument behind Black Lives Matter is essentially moot.
But of course — keep drumming up support for an aimless movement.
~ Facts Not Memes