If you’re a liberal living in the United States, you might be one of the people who vowed to move to Canada in the event that Donald Trump was elected president. Well, he’s halfway through his term and you’re still here, so we’re going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just say you haven’t been able to move yet.
Perhaps you haven’t been able to save up enough for moving costs. Maybe you’re looking at apartments in Quebec, but need to brush up on your French. Maybe — just maybe — you haven’t been cleared by Canada’s immigration system yet. You wouldn’t just move to a country without getting the proper paperwork first, right? People who do that tend to get into trouble in other countries — unless you’re a nameless “asylum seeker” in Europe. Then nobody cares.
It’s a real mystery how many American liberals can’t apply this simple logic to their own country’s immigration system. A lot seem to believe that having an immigration process at all is somehow the same thing as being against immigration at all. Even President Donald Trump has said again and again that he wants people to come into the United States. Apparently, there’s more job opening than people nowadays, so that doesn’t seem like a bad idea.
But by skipping that paperwork part, individuals are slipping through the cracks. They are enjoying all the benefits of living in America — a police force that isn’t allowed to beat you senseless, an emergency response service that doesn’t ask you questions until you’re stable, and a sound infrastructure — and making no contributions in return.
It’s been said time and time again, and is worth repeating — illegal immigration is a slap in the face for people who go through the legal process.
~ Facts Not Memes