Eric Trump actually shared this meme on one of his social media channels, causing it to skyrocket and go completely… ahem… viral, if you’ll pardon the pun.
There’s something about Kermit’s dismissive pause for a drink of Lipton after he lays down a truth bomb that makes it an especially effective meme – as if there’s nothing more to say on the matter. Kermit’s word is final.
There’s also new polling proof that the elites are way off base if they think the public is eager to have a hastily cobbled together vaccine jammed in their arms. 25% of the responders said they’ll never get a coronavirus vaccine. Only 14% are chomping at the bit for a vaccine. Most people fall into the “Meh. Whatever,” category.
And as usual, this meme cuts to the heart of another one of the illogical and offensive arguments of the political left.
Oh, now you want to force us to get vaccinated and carry around proof before we go outside? By the way, how is that going to work in the nine states that never imposed a lockdown at all because of this disease that has a less than 1% chance of killing most people?
Anyway, three cheers for Kermit’s stone-cold logic!