Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a man of many promises: free college, free healthcare, $15 minimum wages for unskilled workers, and votes for the worst people in America.
The scheme here is so obvious. Clearly, Sanders understands where a large portion of his support would be coming from in the near-future, so it could be said that he’s just planning ahead when he calls for voting rights to be restored for mass murderers who are currently incarcerated.
We need to make sure you understand exactly what the socialist is advocating for. He’s not arguing for such rights to be restored upon release — that is, after convicts have served their time. He wants the Aurora, Colorado shooter to have just as much voting rights as the people reading this post at this very moment.
This underscores one of the biggest flaws with operating under the assumption that the United States is a “democracy” — that is, a society where the vote counts for everything. This isn’t the case. The constitutional republic borrows certain things from Athenian-style democracy, and free elections are one of them. But if we descend into over-democratizing society, we risk privileging people who have long since forgone their humanity.
~ Facts Not Memes