Picture this for one second: how would pundits on CNN react if the National Review put some artsy rendering of Juanita Broaddrick on its cover?
That might be a bad example, considering CNN and the rest of the left-wing media would prefer that you didn’t even known that this woman exists. However, it still calls into question the gross double standard employed by the left at every opportunity.
TIME magazine wants all of us to remember the so-called “lasting impact” of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. We agree — we should all remember how Senate Democrats bent over for cultural Marxists by deciding that due process doesn’t matter, and that destroying a man’s life is a perfectly acceptable way to get what you want in politics. This is a lasting impact worth remembering — particularly on November 6th.
It’s worth repeating that absolutely none of the statements made by Dr. Ford were corroborated by anyone else. At best, this was a case of he-said, she-said. The subsequent FBI report that followed supported this assessment.
So, we’re not exactly sure what kind of impact TIME magazine has in mind with this cover. We have a hard time imagining it has anything to do with throwing sexual predators in jail.
~ Facts Not Memes