The image you see on the left is essentially a go-to “please feed me internet points today” attempt — as it provides no intellectual content whatsoever, and doesn’t even do a good job making fun of two people who are admittedly pretty easy to take satirical jabs at.
Let’s just put this into perspective: Kim Jong-Un is a totalitarian dictator who viciously punishes anyone for stepping an inch out of line with the juche agenda. In his country, his rule is absolute, and everything from the press to the street sweepers answer directly to him.
Now ask yourself — how much control does President Donald Trump really have over the mainstream media? Y’know…the same media that routinely mocks him and scrutinizes his every movement?
The president not only puts up with constant negative press coverage, he seems to be emboldened by it. It’s no accident that his approval ratings seem to get a jolt every time outlets like CNN or the Washington Post release some hit piece about him or someone else in his cabinet.
If Trump really is a dictator, he’s the most ineffective one in the history of humanity.
~ Facts Not Memes