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Jailtime For THIS? FBI Continues Brutal Revenge On Conservatives

According to a recent interview with the pair, the FBI apprehended a Virginia couple early on Thursday morning for breaking into the Capitol building on Jen. 6, 2021, three years prior.

In an exclusive interview with America First’s Sebastian Gorka on Monday, Thomas Kasperek and his spouse, Dr. Daphne Kasperek, said that the FBI arrived at their house at approximately six in the morning in automobiles with flashing lights, banged on the door, and ordered them to come out with their hands raised.

Daphne was still asleep, according to Thomas, who maintained he was awake. He claimed to have gently woken her up and instructed her to call his friend Richard Ryan, a co-plaintiff in an election integrity lawsuit they filed in Nove. 2022 against the Board of Supervisors and Electoral Board of Loudoun County, “due to concerns that voting machines were from China.” According to, they dropped the case on January 6, 2023.

In the meantime, Thomas proceeded to open the door.

“They pushed an M-4 in my face after opening the door. They were fully operational,” he informed Gorka. “There were around six guys with pistols drawn at the entrance.”

He said that when he requested a warrant, they promised to display it to him when they were in the downtown area.

He said they walked him down the driveway and down the street, shackling him at the hands and ankles. For Daphne, the FBI took the same action. She said, “Never, ever has anything like this happened.”

They claimed that upon their arrival at the FBI field office in the downtown area, they underwent fingerprinting, DNA swabbing, picture taking, and questioning.

Thomas stated that it was evident the FBI had been constructing a case against them for their Capitol entry three years prior.

The U.S. marshals questioned them again individually after taking them to the federal courthouse, he added.

According to Thomas, the four misdemeanors they face are: entering and staying in a restricted facility or on its property; engaging in disorderly or disruptive behavior there; engaging in such behavior within a Capitol building; and participating in demonstrations or picketing inside any part of the Capitol complex.

Thomas said that they spent a whole twelve minutes inside the Capitol.

In response, Gorka said, “This is a Gestapo. America is under the political police’s jurisdiction. Daphne Kasperek and Thomas provide the evidence.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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10 thoughts on “Jailtime For THIS? FBI Continues Brutal Revenge On Conservatives”

  1. I deny permission to MA lesbian demonrat gov. maura healey to use my citizen tax $ to support in any manner illegal alien invaders. I command lesbian demonrat gov. Maura Healey to immediately & forevermore to deport every illegal alien invader from MA. i command lesbian demonrat MA gov. Maura Healey to support only u.s. citizens/MA residents w/my tax $.


  2. Why is the FBI not treated like police officers by the BLM Bunch — there law mem to– but the outrage mob dont try to bully over them like they do police men out trying to keep their city and towns free of crime. The FBI can go in and handcuff a bunch of black men and Know BLM bunch will open their big mouths or do anything. So what’s the difference here– law is law guess the BLM outrage mob can’t run over the FBI. JUST run over the poor police who wants to keep the people saft from crooks. Some one with some balls needs to step up and throw down on the stupid outrage mob and learn them that sometimes their ass may need help from some crook who may want to kill tnem. Anyway just wondering why the FBI is untouchable by the outrage angry BLM mob And also you don’t hear them hollering to de-fund the FBI and we all know that some time or other that a black man was shot by an FBI AND been on the FBI MOST WANTED LIST But you don’t hear them hollering to cut their funds down to nothing. So again why the bid different.

    1. Black Lives Think They Matter More are not going after the FBI because they are not targeting Black DEMONrats. They are targeting White Conservatives.

    2. “Why is the FBI not treated like police officers by the BLM Bunch”?
      Because the BLM bunch (a Marxist dominated group) and the FBI are evidently on the same anti-American team.

  3. This will serve as an information to the voters that Obama/Biden has officially turned the Democrat party into a Nazi party making the agencies Gestapo and SS officers.

  4. We need a minimum of half the FBI who are still American Patriots to come forward as whistleblowers and do what has to be done, America will not survive on the path we are on.

  5. Oh yell should have known that be it the FBI don’t do anything to blacks just us poor white folks trying to make a living in this Biden screw up world. The dam dem-o-craps are all so above the law it’s disgusting. We have a crawl in president who along with his son and brother are the biggest criminals in history. But the FBI is protecting them now that is JUSTICE don’t you all thank.!!! So dam nice to crook out all that money them be placed in the White House and have all the law on your side wow what a way to go criminal. All disgusting to me they are know better than anyone else and should be in prison all three. Instead Biden gets to run for office again what a slap in the people’s faces. And what there doing to Trump is against our true laws . But now everyone has to go by dirty democrats law so innocent people is going to jail for nothing. Know one in there right minds should vote for any dirty democrat . We need them out of all government offices and keep them out. Vote Trump we need our country back

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