Generally speaking, if someone has been implicated in a huge scandal that in-part exposed the corrupt nature of the political elite, you would probably avoid handing that person a lucrative employment contract — that but’s exactly what Fox News just did when it hired Donna Brazile.
Brazile, the former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, is the same person who was caught leaking debate questions to Hillary Clinton to give her an unfair advantage. This along with many other things underscored how the fix was in for Clinton from the start, especially during the Democratic Party’s primary season in 2016.
There are other things to worry about with Fox News giving Brazile a platform. In addition to being a Clinton shill, Brazile is deeply entrenched in the world of identity politics — the movement to remove meritocracy and replace it with a belief system where in your opinions are only as valid as your ethnic identity. It’s a disgusting way of thinking.
Obviously, many Americans who thought that Fox News was on their side are rightfully furious — and they should be. This just goes to show that CNN and other networks like it aren’t the only ones with problems.
~ Facts Not Memes