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Flashback: CNN Excuses Madonna for Wanting to “Blow Up the White House”

Obviously, this is old news, but it’s worth sharing again as the liberal monolith of broadcasters obsesses over the very timely “bombs” that have been sent to a number of well-known leftist people and organizations.

These poorly made pipe bombs, some of which have been found to be harmless at the time of writing, were mailed to various left-wing advocates including billionaire George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the CNN headquarters.

It just isn’t an election season without something crazy happening at the end of October…weeks before voters are scheduled to go to the polls…

Now, this story is still developing, so we could very well be dealing with a deranged right-winger who believes that sending poorly made explosives to people he or she doesn’t like will actually accomplish something (it won’t). The the timing is very suspect — and it’s hard to believe that someone would want to sabotage the party they supposedly agree with by doing something so stupid right before a major election.

Nevertheless, incidents like this give the media a chance to drive home the idea that people on the right are dangerous. This is why we’re sending a little reminder that violent rhetoric isn’t exclusive to one particular side…

~ Facts Not Memes

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