This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed laws toughening up on porch piracy, retail theft, and encouraging looting via social media.
DeSantis attacked Democratic-controlled districts, claiming that Florida was “very much doing the reverse of what a lot of states like California and New York have done,” referring to the places that had seen the greatest increase in the aforementioned offenses.
The governor stated that businesses had reported a $112 billion loss in 2022 as a result of organized retail theft and looting orchestrated through social media.
According to the governor’s office, since DeSantis assumed office in 2019, shoplifting in Florida has decreased by 30%, despite the surge in crime in states like California, New York, and Washington, D.C.
According to his office, HB 549, the measure that DeSantis signed into law, establishes the following:
HB 549 establishes the subsequent:
- If thieves conduct retail theft with five or more people involved, it is a third-degree felony that carries a maximum five-year jail sentence.
- A retail theft involving five or more people is a second-degree crime that carries a maximum 15-year prison sentence. Theft involves using social media to entice other victims to join in the theft.
- A first-degree felony with a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison if the offender has two or more prior retail theft convictions or commits retail theft while using a handgun.
- It is possible to file charges as a felony for many retail thefts that occur over a 120-day period, an increase from the previous 30 days.
- Less than $40 worth of property theft is a first-degree misdemeanor.
- A third-degree felony is a subsequent offense.
- It is a third-degree crime to steal anything worth at least $40.
“Florida is making a further effort to set itself apart from lawless areas and ensure the safety of our citizens and companies,” stated DeSantis. “We will catch you stealing in Florida, and we will prosecute you.”
Thank you Governor DeSantis. Thank you,
So proud to have you as governor.
Smart move! Long overdue! Going enter someone else property to steal a package from them. Should be call trespassing and breaking and enter. De Santis did the right thing. Hope those fools leave Florida for a blue state!
Good move is right ! Should be law everywhere!
Just shoot the Bastards and we don’t have to worry about them anymore
My sentiments exactly. Shoot then take questions. Drag them in the house. Put a throw down in their hand. Or leave it close by fired into the wall. Plead not guilty for shooting someone who shot at you first. Theft by unlawful taking, attempted murder, break and entry. Just a few legal charges to release you from conviction. Get smart, get rid of the scum democrat theives.
Those poor states that have democrat governors and mayors well I don’t feel sorry for them now maybe they will learn and the hard way that democrats are low life pieces of bulls—-. And will stop voting for them. Guess there wishing they had someone like DeSantis to keep them from criminal harm. Come on get a brain stop voting democrat.