It was America’s 40th Commander-in-Chief, President Ronald Reagan, who put it best when he described the most horrifying words in the American vernacular: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Now, Reagan didn’t mean to undermine the very institution he was at the helm of when he said this. Rather, this was meant to counter the prevailing left-wing narrative that the state is the end-all-be-all of public service.
You don’t have to look too far back into our country’s history to find some painfully obvious examples. Social Security, for example, was marketed by proponents as the perfect remedy for retirement. Now, most economists agree that the younger generations will likely never benefit from this program, meaning the taxes they are paying into it will never circle back to them.
This same logic can be applied to nearly every welfarist policy, including the questionably funded Medicare and Medicaid. All three aforementioned programs are beset by unfunded liabilities, and will likely default by the time many young Democrats are eligible to receive them.
~ Facts Not Memes